Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Neurological System

P-DTR identifies when a muscle does and does not contract well. It uses the response of a well-functioning muscle to various stimuli to give information about the state of sensation receptors in our body.

Our bodies only have so much energy to use and handle what is thrown at us. Tissues have little cell or particle receptors that are each specialized to receive one sensation. They can become too sensitive to stimuli that we experience in life sending stronger signals to the brain. This changes how the brain sends out signals to muscles and organs, causing less efficient responses – a related muscle to be either weak or tightly guarded. When that happens related movements that use more than one muscle become less coordinated.

P-DTR identifies when a muscle does and does not contract well. It uses the response of a well-functioning muscle to various stimuli to give information about the state of sensation receptors in our body. A treatment phase provides a reset to the state of tissues in an area and the receptors – clearing annoyances to decrease pain and improve muscle function.


Below, there are various aspects of the Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Neurological System. Click Learn More to see more detailed information about a specific aspect.


What good walking means: Walking as symmetrical as possible (same length of steps and amount of arm swing with right…

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A man lying face down on a therapy table, and Amy standing beside him with one hand holding his ankle above his bent knee to do a muscle test.

Muscle Testing

Amy specializes in testing a muscle's function, and when a muscle is either weak, slow or guarded she is trained to get…

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A lady wearing black who's left side and back is in view is sitting on a therapy table with a female manual (hands on) therapist (Amy) sitting on a stool facing the first lady with Amy is pressing her hand against the outside of her left arm to muscle test while creating a sensation on the right side of her body.

Neurological Patterns

Content coming soon!

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Reflexes are body responses that happen automatically without our conscious control. Reflexes are there to help protect…

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