STP09471 uai


What good walking means: Walking as symmetrical as possible (same length of steps and amount of arm swing with right and left sides.

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A man lying face down on a therapy table, and Amy standing beside him with one hand holding his ankle above his bent knee to do a muscle test.

Muscle Testing

Amy specializes in testing a muscle's function, and when a muscle is either weak, slow or guarded she is trained to get to the bottom of it to often make on the spot changes to a muscle's strength and efficiency

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A lady wearing black who's left side and back is in view is sitting on a therapy table with a female manual (hands on) therapist (Amy) sitting on a stool facing the first lady with Amy is pressing her hand against the outside of her left arm to muscle test while creating a sensation on the right side of her body.

Neurological Patterns

Content coming soon!

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STP09639 scaled uai


Reflexes are body responses that happen automatically without our conscious control. Reflexes are there to help protect us - and some are only meant to be present in babies for this purpose, and then go dormant.

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